Marketing & Communications

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The possibilities of training in marketing and branding that we offer at UPF-BSM cover a wide space in which to find your path and grow professionally.

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We offer strategic training and practical specialization in relation to digital marketing management, brand management, pharmaceutical marketing, sustainability marketing, usability, SEO and SEM, among others. With our programs you will be able to enter one of the sectors with the greatest future projection in the world of management.

The Advisory Board, an advisory body for the improvement and updating of the training we provide, is composed in this area of Marketing and Branding by great professionals from the world of marketing: Anna Aubert, Gabriele Palma, Aina Cortina, Lluís Torra, Guillermo Corominas, Daniela Goicoechea, Diego Fernández and Miquel Campmany.

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Marketing and Branding
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Study Marketing & Communications