Master in Marketing

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Máster Universitario en Marketing

The Master in Marketing is divided into 4 large study modules with the Master's Final Project being carried out at the same time. 

Strategic Marketing Planning
Quantitative techniques and finance applied to marketing
Market opportunity analysis
Strategic marketing
International and Sustainability Marketing
Global Vision of International Business Reality
Brand Management
Brand management and its definition
Shopper Marketing: Prices and Promotions
Shopper Marketing: Distribution
Consumer Insights: Market Research
Market Research 1: Generation of Consumer Insights
Market Research 2: Big Data - Marketing analytics
Consumer behaviour
Communication Management
Communication Strategy
Digital Marketing
Relational marketing
Professional Internships
Professional Internships
Master's Final Project
Master's Final Project
Note on the Curriculum
The information contained in these pages is for information purposes only and may be subject to change in the adaptation of each academic year. The definitive guide will be available to students in the virtual space before the start of each subject.
Titulació que s'obté

Once students have completed the course they will obtain the Màster Universitari en Màrqueting / MSc. in Marketing - Máster Universitario en Marketing / MSc. in Marketing awarded by Pompeu Fabra University.

Issuance of official Master's Degrees: The amount stipulated in the DOGC (Official Gazette of the Government of Catalonia) must be paid for the rights to issue the title. This rate varies annually and the rate in force at the time of application for the degree will be applied.

Activitats formatives complementaries

The Master in Marketing also includes the possibility of participating in practical activities and activities for personal and professional growth such as:

  • UPF-BSM Inside: is a group of interdisciplinary subjects (applied data, communication, creativity, innovation and project management, sustainability and leadership among others) that, if you take this program, you can access at no additional cost. They are 100% online and you can take them throughout the academic year at your own pace, as they have been designed as self-study subjects.
  • International mobility: The UPF Barcelona School of Management offers you the possibility of expanding your training and international vision through the International Mobility Programme. Extend your studies extracurricularly, during the academic year following the completion of your Master's, at a top-level institution. Limited places.
Qui pot aplicar

University graduates in economics, statistics, communication, or business management. Candidates coming from other fields must prove some previous experience in the marketing sector.

As it is an official master's degree, it is mandatory for the student to be a graduate before starting it.

In order to optimally follow the course, it is highly recommended to have an English level equivalent to B1 (CEFR) or similar.

Those participants who do not have Spanish as one of their mother tongues or who did not have it as a teaching language in their training studies, must prove that they have at least a B2 level of Spanish (Common European Framework of Reference), as well as fluently take part in a personal interview with the academic director, if necessary. In case of not showing fluency in oral comprehension, additional certifications or tests may be requested to allow adequate and sufficient following of the sessions.



Our admission process consists of a rigorous evaluation of each application to preserve the quality of the group as well as the training, experience, and work capacity of all students.


The UPF Barcelona School of Management offers you different means of financing so that you can take any of our programs without worry. We offer you the opportunity to finance part of your program, either by rewarding your talent through scholarships, through grants from entities dedicated to promoting education or through collaboration agreements with financial entities.


The Master in Marketing is aimed at young professionals who want to access the marketing department of a company through rigorous, updated, and transversal training.

At the end of the course, you will have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to create a marketing strategy, online and offline, for any company. You will also put into practice the mode and dynamics of leadership, with a serious and professional behaviour, using practical and theoretical tools that allow you to choose markets and strategic planning of marketing management according to your product or brand.

Descripció llarga (part visible)

The Master in Marketing is the training you need to be able to access this professional market. It will provide you with the practical and strategic foundations to run a marketing department, incorporating the latest trends and tools from both online marketing and the latest offline marketing and communication techniques.

Dades destacades

Average age


Number of years of professional experience


International students

Descripció llarga (mostrar més)

With this master you will obtain a transversal vision of marketing that will allow you to work in its multiple specialities: branding, corporate communication, and international marketing or digital marketing, among others. You will apply techniques to efficiently devise a brand strategy, knowing your consumer, who they are made up of, and the use of consumer insights for correct decision-making according to your market.

You will acquire the skills to design and execute the marketing mix, based on the marketing strategy and the financial analysis of your company. You will be an efficient expert in decision-making based on quantitative and financial techniques applied to marketing.

All this under the guiding hand of experts and professionals of marketing in companies, as well as researchers from UPF specialized in the analysis of markets and in the most strategic new marketing trends.

The Master in Marketing is endorsed by Pompeu Fabra University, the 1st Spanish university and the 15th best university in the world (of those with less than 50 years), according to the Times Higher Education ranking. In addition, UPF Barcelona School of Management has EQUIS accreditation, the most prestigious institutional recognition for business schools globally.


With the Master in Marketing you will be able to work in any multinational company where you will develop the commercial strategy of a product and its implementation in each market. You will also be able to convey the vision, mission, values, and objectives of your company.

By knowing how to define the strategy of your product and brand, you will be able to develop yourself in mass consumption marketing, where you will achieve a good position in the market to increase the income and sales of your company.

Per què triar aquest programa
International recognition

Study at a school accredited by EQUIS, an international distinction that guarantees the quality of our institution and makes us the 1st school of management linked to a public university with this accreditation in our country.

Get to know the professional reality

The academic contents are updated year after year by active professionals in the sector and are fuelled by new marketing trends to develop both offline and online marketing strategies.

Position in rankings

Thanks to its contents and its analytical vision taught by teachers from national and international universities, it is internationally ranked among the 40 best master's in its speciality by Eduniversal.

Learn from great experts

You will be trained by a teaching team made up of professors from top-level national and international universities and professionals from renowned companies and institutions that will provide you with a fully functional knowledge of marketing.

Connect with the professional world

The program will give you access to professional practices in marketing departments of top-level companies in different sectors and fields.

Text (a qui va dirigit)

The Master in Marketing is aimed at university graduates in economics, statistics, communication, or business management. Candidates coming from other fields must prove some previous experience in the marketing sector.

Text (acreditacions)

UPF Barcelona School of Management is the management school of Pompeu Fabra University, the 1st Ibero-American university and the 16th placed university in the world, among those under 50 years of age, according to the Times Higher Education ranking. 

UPF Barcelona School of Management has EQUIS accreditation, the most prestigious institutional recognition for business schools globally, and places itself among the top business schools in the world.

The Master in Marketing is ranked, for the third consecutive year, among the best master's programs in marketing in the world, according to the QS Business Masters Ranking 2025, one of the most prestigious and consulted rankings in the sector.

The Master in Marketing is an official master's degree and has the academic recognition of the Ministry of Education of the Government of Spain. This accreditation certifies all the official university master's degrees that we teach and recognizes the quality of our educational model in accordance with the criteria of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

Perfil de l'estudiant

The Master in Marketing is made up of students from different countries who are looking for an official and updated training, all of them with a common goal: to train to the maximum in the field of Marketing with a global dimension and an international perspective.


The teaching team of the Master in Marketing is made up of experts and professionals in the field of marketing, who have a strategic vision and a long track record in the field of research.

Carrussel metodologia

The seminars will allow you to delve into aspects of marketing and business through practical cases so that you can get a professional vision on what the latest marketing trends used by multinationals are.


The mentor will guide you throughout your Master's Final Project. Coming from different companies, they will help you expand your critical thinking, develop your project, and challenge your own ideas about marketing.

Master's Final Project

The Master's Final Project will respond to a real challenge, with a marketing plan and a project connected to your professional interests. It is the common thread that covers all the subjects. In addition, you can develop, together with your mentor, skills and abilities of a marketing professional such as the ability to solve problems, analyse, and interpret the results or defend your proposals in an efficient way.

  • Exams: evaluation of each subject through exams.
  • Master's Final Project: completion and public defence of an individual thesis.
  • Individual and group work: realization of exercises using real cases.
  • Attendance: a high level of attendance is required for course lectures and seminars.
Llistat de sortides professionals
  • Product Manager
  • Brand manager
  • Communication departments
  • Head of Sales Department and Sales Manager
  • Digital Marketing Manager
Beques disponibles
Procés d'admissió

The Master in Marketing is characterized by offering an interactive learning experience. Classes are complemented by conferences and seminars so that the student acquires all the necessary knowledge to become a marketing professional.

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Descripció curta

With an increasingly demanding market, the UPF Barcelona School of Management Master in Marketing, a program for an international audience, aims to raise marketing to its maximum potential. You will have a complete experience, where you will not only be provided with the necessary tools to design a marketing plan, but you will also learn to implement it according to your product, communicate it comprehensively, and determine its success.

Carrussel segells acreditacions
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Collaborating faculty
  • Ricard Bonastre Verdaguer
    He has a degree in Philosophy from Barcelona University and a Master's in IT Management from La Salle - Ramon Llull University. Founder and CEO of BYRatings. Entrepreneur, Business strategist, and executive developer with international experience in Internet, R+D environments, Universities, Public Administration, Insurance, and Banking. 
  • Albert Camprubí Rovira
    Managing Partner of Cuick
    He has a degree in Sports Sciences from the Ramon Llull University and a Master in Marketing and Communication from the Ca'Foscari University of Venice, and a Master in Sports Management from the UPF-BSM. He has worked in the field of retail marketing, digital marketing and logistics in companies such as Decathlon and Nike.
  • Josep Estalella Camós
    CRM Project Manager at Hewlett Packard (HP)
    MBA from ESADE
  • Jordi Garolera Berrocal
    Professor at ESCI-UPF
    PhD in Business Administration from IESE
  • Thibisay Coromoto González Rodríguez
    Professor at Pompeu Fabra University.
    Strategic Communications and Change Management Consultant.
    Master in Integrated Communication and Master in Corporate Event Management and Protocol by Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Alberto Lempira Guevara
    PhD in Business (Candidate) from Barcelona University
    Marketing Consultant specialized in Business Development and Digital Marketing Strategies


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Master in Marketing

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Máster Universitario en Marketing