
Methodology UPF-BSM
Active methodologies

We guarantee educational success in all training modalities, thanks to EdTech technology and a dynamic, cooperative, and interdisciplinary learning environment.


The use of active methodologies and educational technology is adapted in each program according to the learning needs of our students. Our goal is to create a teaching environment that actively encourages cooperative learning. The training experience is adapted to the learning requirements and skills development of the participants.

Hence, our educational model creates a dynamic, cooperative, and interdisciplinary study and practice environment. In this environment, the acquisition, training, and improvement of professional development skills are worked in a systematic and integrated manner. In this way, students build a comprehensive professional profile that will allow them to respond in an agile way to the constant challenges of organizations.

What are our active methodologies?

  • Project-oriented learning 
  • Case studies 
  • Flipped learning 
  • Solving real problems 
  • Professional simulations 

These methodologies, combined with masterclasses, allow students to connect theory with practice, acquire advanced skills, and achieve learning that is transferable to the workplace. 

With an outlook based on growth, we encourage the transfer of learning to professional practice.


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Active methodologies
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Active methodologies
Learn through projects

In the master's and postgraduate courses, you will design, develop, and present a personal project focused on your professional goals allowing you to connect all theory with practice. 


From an academic perspective, the Projects are a very useful tool, because they:

  • Connect theory with practice
  • Integrate skills from multiple disciplines
  • Connect with the professional purposes of students
  • Allow participants to transfer their newly acquired learning to their professional experience from day one.

Check the e-repositori for the best final projects.

Learn through projects
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Project-oriented learning
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At UPF-BSM, the learning process is built around the design, management, preparation, and presentation of a professional project: the Master's Final Project or Postgraduate Final Project. These act as threads throughout the program.

    Experiment in labs

    Train and receive personalized advice in the development of specific skills related to entrepreneurship (StartLab), communication (CCLab), and leadership. 

    The role of communication skills

    The development of communication skills plays a central role in the UPF-BSM educational model and in the professional development of the school's students.

    The Communication Lab (CCLab) makes available to all participants a wide range of resources and activities, many of which are integrated into the academic programs, which allow them to work on oral, written, and digital communication skills. Skills are worked on in a practical, personalized way and based on scientific grounds.

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    Entrepreneurship at StartLab

    The StartLab is a space for the training, coordination, and direct supervision of entrepreneurship projects for UPF Barcelona School of Management students. 

    Participants who want to start an entrepreneurship project will have to pass a prior selection process. The selected projects will all have the search for a positive impact on society in common. 

    These are some of the services that the StartLab offers students:

    • A workspace
    • Meetings with entrepreneurs
    • Meetings with investors
    • Technical advice
    • Mentoring sessions (financial, business model, go to market strategy, etc.)
    Experiment in labs
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    Transform yourself digitally

    Develop your digital skills with challenges adapted to your professional sector. Adapting to the digital transformation of today's organizations is essential. 


    The acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are characteristic of digital competence in the professional field allows digital technologies to be used to facilitate management, communication, collaboration, creativity, and innovation.

    Mastering this competence is essential in order to face the challenges and opportunities that digital transformation offers companies, organizations, and the general population.

    Transform yourself digitally
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    Digital skills
    Oriented to professional skills

    An educational model based on dynamic, cooperative, and interdisciplinary learning that promotes a mentality of growth, and the transfer of learning to professional practice.

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    You will impact society

    Our wish is to train leaders who generate an impact on the development of organizations in our environment and on society in general, thus contributing to the common good.


    Companies come to our management school attracted by a new way of responding to the training of professionals and to find opportunities that naturally arise in a multidisciplinary environment.

    Our training encourages students to develop and commit to responsible business thinking and approaches, based on ethical professional practice and sustainable development.

    The school also sets social business challenges throughout the year, which are integrated into class activities and its curriculum.

    The ultimate goal is to maximize the positive impact on people, organizations, and society.

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    You will impact society
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    Learning to generate social impact
    You will connect with your profession

    An expert teaching staff closely linked to professional practice will prepare you to apply theoretical knowledge to today's organizations.

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    You will connect with your profession
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    Teaching based on professionalization
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    A wide range of active professionals participate in our programs. This, in combination with the academic excellence of the UPF-BSM faculty and the professional background of all the other participants, allows the student to live a relevant learning experience that encourages interaction.

    At the end of the course, the student will have acquired a broad, deep, and closely connected knowledge of the practice of their professional sector, and will be prepared to give a quick and original response to the complex problems that organizations face.

    Multidisciplinary education

    Transversal subjects, workshops involving creativity, innovation, or entrepreneurship, and a cultural approach will allow you to integrate the language of different disciplines. 

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    Multidisciplinary education
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    Teaching based on professionalization
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    The integration of multidisciplinary knowledge proposed by UPF-BSM seeks to train professionals who speak the language of multiple disciplines.

    Thus, the undertaking of academic activities that combine disciplines is actively promoted with the aim of participants integrating them in order to build new knowledge.

    Our programs can incorporate different types of interdisciplinary activities such as cross-curricular subjects in which the participation of students from different programs is possible, as well as participation in creativity, innovation, or communication workshops focused on projects, and in activities in the field of humanities and culture.

    You will take on real challenges

    You will participate in challenges provided by real organizations and companies so that you can delve into the complex professional reality of your sector and experience the day to day life of your future work.

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    You will take on real challenges
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    Business challenges
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    The problems and challenges brought by organizations and companies are a learning trigger that requires students to put into practice knowledge and skills from multiple disciplines.

    Working with business challenges also gives them the opportunity to recognize and identify the real problems and opportunities that organizations face today.

    In this process, students also meet active professionals and delve into the complex professional reality of each sector.

    Linked to companies and society

    Our training offer is closely connected to the demands of organizations. With the school at the centre, we create a network of relationships and exchange between students, teachers, professionals, alumni, companies, and institutions. 

    Choose the modality you want

    You can choose the learning modality that suits your needs. Go to classes in Barcelona, study online, or try combinations of formats.


    At UPF-BSM we understand that learning opportunities are everywhere and that they cannot be limited to a physical space, a group, or a schedule. 

    The learning experiences will take place in a hybrid environment, which can combine face-to-face and virtual activities, and individual or group activities. 

    In the same way, we promote learning without borders, encouraging participants to come into contact with teachers, students, and organizations from all over the world, which can make significant contributions to their projects and purposes.

    Choose the modality you want
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    Different learning modalities
    Create your own itinerary

    Design your own program through a wide variety of modalities, itineraries, and activities that ensure flexibility and customization of the learning experience.


    Most of the programs incorporate electives, specialities, and open activities that respond to the different learning needs of each participant. With configurable itineraries, we have as many study plans as we have students.

    Create your own itinerary
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    Flexible programs
    With the support of your mentor

    Throughout the course you will have the personalized advice of a mentor who will guide the progress of your Master's or Postgraduate Final Project. 


    The relationship between mentor and participant will take the form of a guided didactic dialogue that will have a double dimension: 

    • Academic dimension: the mentor ensures the achievement of the program objectives and that the project moves forward according to the expected progress.
    • Professional dimension: the dialogue with the mentor seeks to connect with the real needs of companies, ensure the suitability of the projects, and facilitate their transfer.
    With the support of your mentor
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    Summary modal

    The mentor's monitoring begins when the participants have defined their Project proposal. The program management assigns the most suitable mentor according to the profile of the students and the nature, topic, and purpose of each project.

    Become a better professional with Talent UP

    Complete your training with Talent UP, an offer that encourages the development of your career and professional aims so that you can gain access to the job market.


    Talent UP is a professional development program designed to position UPF-BSM students in the labour market.

    With a holistic approach, self-knowledge tools, and innovative methodologies, Talent UP helps participants to achieve their individual purpose and the professional goals which they used to launch their training at school.

    Thus, the program enhances the employability of the participants and the approach to the professional direction that they will take.

    Become a better professional with Talent UP
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    Talent UP
    Customized according to your goals

    You will be able to customize your training experience so that it adapts to your skills, your learning trajectory, and your professional aims thanks to the different modalities of the courses, their flexibility, and the mentors who will support you on your journey. 


    We prepare you to lead organizations and projects in changing environments using active methodologies and in close connection with the professional world

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