Blended Postgraduate Course in International Finance

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Postgrado Semipresencial en Finanzas Internacionales

The Postgraduate course consists of 4 subjects and is complemented by a Final Project in which the student applies the knowledge of the content acquired during the course.

International Controlling
  • Management control systems to evaluate the performance in multinational corporations
  • Effective decision making in international business.
  • Controlling subsidiaries
International Financial Reporting Standards. Advanced Level.
  • IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment
  • IAS 40 Investment Property
  • IAS 12 Income Taxes
  • IAS 23 Borrowing Costs
  • IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
  • IFRS 16 Leases
  • IAS 38 Intangible Assets
  • IAS 36 Impairment of Assets
  • IAS 2 Inventories
  • IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers
  • IFRS 8 Operating Segments
  • IAS 33 Earnings Per Share
  • IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements
  • IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements
  • IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities
  • IFRS 9 Financial Instruments
International Taxation
  • Introduction and taxation systems
  • Taxes and jurisdictions
  • Transfer pricing
  • Legal tax avoidance schemes to take advantage of low tax countries
International Finance
  • International Finance Management
  • Treasury Management
  • Foreign exchange and cash flow hedge
  • Enterprise risk Management
Postgraduate Final Project
Postgraduate Final Project

This subject is intended for students to show that they have internalized the content developed during postgraduate studies and that they are capable of applying them in different environments. It is a project that seeks to integrate all or several of the subjects developed during the postgraduate course.

Titulació que s'obté

Once you have passed the program, you will obtain an electronic degree (e-Título) for the Curso de Postgrado en Finanzas Internacionales, issued by Pompeu Fabra University.

The e-Título is an authentic digital degree, issued in pdf format and electronically signed, with the same legal validity as if it were in paper format.

Qui pot aplicar

University graduates or graduates with a university degree.

Likewise, other candidates will be able to access the selection process without the required university degree due to their professional or academic merits, and the place they work.

Knowledge of English: those students who are not native English speakers will be asked for at least B2 English (CEFR). Participants who have English as their native language will not have to submit any certificates.


Our admission process consists of a rigorous evaluation of each application to preserve the quality of the group as well as the training, experience, and work capacity of all students.


The UPF Barcelona School of Management offers you different means of financing so that you can take any of our programs without worry. We offer you the opportunity to finance part of your program, either by rewarding your talent through scholarships, through grants from entities dedicated to promoting education or through collaboration agreements with financial entities.


The program is aimed at all those professionals with experience in the field of Accounting and Finance who want to take on new challenges and responsibilities in this area in companies with a strong international presence.

Descripció llarga (part visible)

The Blended Postgraduate Course in International Finance  will train you as an expert in finance and accounting, especially in companies with a strong international presence. Basic aspects such as detailed information on international accounting regulations, multinational financial management, or international taxation will be covered.

Dades destacades

Average age


Average years of working experience

Descripció llarga (mostrar més)

Throughout the course, international financial reporting standards, aspects related to the financing of international operations, and the most common management control systems in multinational companies will be dealt with in detail. You will acquire a comprehensive knowledge of the functioning of international accounting regulations (IFRS) and an understanding of the elements required for optimum decision-making in investment and finance in international settings.

The course will also provide you with the ability to design the optimum tax plan for a company, taking matters of international taxation into consideration and the understanding of the functioning of foreign currency accounts and the most appropriate financial products to manage exchange rate, interest rate, and country risk.

The Blended Postgraduate Course in International Finance is endorsed by Pompeu Fabra University, the 1st Spanish university and the 15th best university in the world (of those with less than 50 years), according to the Times Higher Education ranking. In addition, UPF Barcelona School of Management has EQUIS accreditation, the most prestigious institutional recognition for business schools globally.


The postgraduate course is advanced training that focuses on the main aspects of finance to prioritize professional careers in this area, specially in global firms or companies operating internationally.

Per què triar aquest programa
Study at an accredited school

Study at a school accredited by EQUIS, an international distinction that guarantees the quality of our institution and makes us the 1st school 
of management linked to a public university with this accreditation in our country.

Excellent teaching staff with a double approach

The program has a first-rate academic board and teaching staff, composed of academics from the Department of Economics and Business at Pompeu Fabra University, and professionals from the main companies in the sector.

Adapted to you

Same program, content, and academic qualification, offered in three different modalities: face-to-face, blended, and online to adapt to your personal and professional situation.

Complete your studies

If at the end of the postgraduate course you want to complete your training, you can apply for the Master in Financial and Accounting Management at UPF-BSM, which recognizes the credits obtained in the Postgraduate course.

Text (a qui va dirigit)

The program is aimed at university graduates preferably in the area of business administration and management, economics, and accounting and finance, who want to specialize in the financial field, as well as professionals with financial experience who need to update or gain new knowledge.

It is an advanced program and it is important to have previous training and/or experience in the area.

Perfil de l'estudiant

You will be in class with professionals coming from the area of Accounting and Finance, Economics, or Business Administration who want to learn and acquire new knowledge to apply it in their current jobs. 

The Postgraduate is part of the Master's in Financial and Accounting Management thus, the class will be composed of students coming from both the Postgraduate and the Master's programs.


The teaching team is made up of lecturers from the UPF's Economics and Business area and professionals from the sector, who guarantee the UPF-BSM's academic excellence.

Carrussel metodologia
Adapted to you

Compatible with your professional and personal life, offering you face-to-face classes one Friday/Saturday a month, combined with online work.

Linked with the professional world

Throughout the course, real and current practical cases will be worked on and discussed, allowing you to apply the concepts learned and to face possible situations and scenarios that you will find in your professional activity.

Team building

Working in groups will allow you to share and compare different views, knowledge and opinions with classmates from diverse origins. This will enhance your academic experience and strengthen your networking.


Continuous assessment. The following are common evaluation activities:

  • Case studies, exercises, and activities
  • Tests 
  • Oral presentations and active participation in class
  • Class attendance (minimum 80%)
  • Final Project
Llistat de sortides professionals
  • Auditor of multinational companies' accounts
  • Department of international operations
  • Financial Director of a multinational company
  • Business consultant on international accounting and tax matters
  • Financial consultant
  • Staff/intermediate manager in multinational Financial Department
Procés d'admissió

The program has a very practical and professional approach. Theory and practice are combined with a participatory methodology that integrates the exposition of theoretical concepts by the teachers with the active intervention of the participants.

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Descripció curta

With the Blended Postgraduate Course in International Finance you will acquire the knowledge required to align the evolution of the economic and financial environment with the management of companies operating globally.

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Collaborating faculty
  • Jordi Anducas Planas
    Technical Manager in RSM SPAIN AUDITORES.
    Postgraduate course in Auditing from UAB. Executive Development Program from Esade.
  • Pau Guerrero Vilà
    Corporate Financial Director at Cervino Corporation.
    Executive MBA from IESE.
    Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA). He also holds a Bachelor in Administration and Business Management and a Bachelor in Law from Pompeu Fabra University.
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Blended Postgraduate Course in International Finance 

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