Online Postgraduate Course in Data Management

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Online Postgraduate Course in Data Management
Curso de Postgrado Online en Data Management

The course is divided into 7 subjects and a final postgraduate work of an individual nature, through which the student puts into practice all the knowledge about data management and big data that they have acquired throughout the postgraduate course.

Tools for data usage
Introduction to R and Python

Immerse yourself in two leading languages that allow analysts to manipulate, analyse, and visualize vast amounts of information. Start your journey with these essential platforms, renowned for their versatility in handling diverse datasets and analytical tasks.

Introduction to SQL and NoSQL

Learn about two different approaches to managing databases, each with its own strengths and applications. Discover how traditional and modern storage techniques interact and complement each other in today's information world.

Descriptive analytics for organizations
Probability and statistics

Explore how figures reveal patterns and trends in large datasets. Decipher the meaning behind the numbers to make informed business decisions.

Statistical distributions

Analyse how data is dispersed and grouped to understand behaviours and trends. Discover underlying patterns in quantitative information through different types of numerical groupings.

Hypothesis test

Evaluate claims or assumptions about a dataset to validate its veracity. Determine the validity of a claim using mathematical tools and empirical evidence.

Data visualization and communication
Data exploration

Delve into the art of probing number sets to uncover hidden stories and trends. Unravel the underlying secrets in large volumes of information through graphical techniques and detailed analysis.

Chart types

Distinguish the various visual representations that transform figures into understandable stories. Select the best visual tools to effectively convey the essence of the gathered information.

Visualization software

Learn about digital tools that transform large volumes of information into graphic representations which are full of impact. Master specialized applications that enhance the presentation and understanding of complex data.

Predictive analytics

Establish relationships between variables to anticipate future behaviours and trends. Apply mathematical techniques to understand how one variable influences another and predicts possible outcomes.


Differentiate and group entities based on defined characteristics, facilitating the anticipation of categories. Use mathematical tools to assign items to specific groups, guiding future decisions.


Anticipate future trends and behaviours using models based on historical information. Refine decision-making by projecting future results based on current patterns and analysis.

Data storage and representation
Structured and unstructured data

Understand the difference between information sets ordered in defined formats and those that lack a pre-established form. Master techniques to handle and represent both information organized in clear patterns and information which flows in freer formats.


Delve into structures that facilitate relational representations. Learn how connections between entities can illuminate complex patterns and relationships in information.


Learn techniques for saving and manipulating strings of text and numbers in various formats and systems. Understand the quirks and challenges of working with character sequences and how to optimize your query and retrieval.

Analysis of alternatives in the market

Discover the different solutions available for managing and presenting information, evaluating their pros and cons. Compare various tools and platforms to determine which best fits specific needs and goals.

Data driven management
What a data-driven company is

Explore organizations that base their decision-making on deep and constant analysis of information. Learn about the paradigm where figure-based intelligence guides strategies and operations to maximize performance.

Pillars of a data-driven organization

Discover the essential fundamentals that underpin companies focused on numerical intelligence. Understand the essential bases that allow an entity to operate with decisions based on detailed analysis of information.

Data maturity

Delve into how organizations evolve in their ability to use and benefit from information. Learn about the journey that entities take to achieve an advanced mastery in the management and use of figures.

Return of investment

Evaluate the profitability of projects and decisions through the calculation of benefits obtained versus resources invested. Understand how to measure and analyse the value generated by implementing information-based strategies and tools.

Business intelligence
Reports and alerts

Master tools that transform data into clear and concise visualizations, facilitating decision-making. Learn how to set up real-time notifications to stay up to date on critical changes and trends.


Distinguish key indicators that monitor the performance and health of an entity, guiding its strategy. Master the identification and configuration of essential metrics that reflect the efficiency and effectiveness of operations.

Applications for knowledge management

Discover digital tools that facilitate the capture, organization and distribution of knowledge within an organization. Navigate specialized platforms that promote the exchange of information, optimizing processes and decisions.

Customer relations and data management

Delve into how to use relevant information to strengthen links and better understand the needs of the target audience. Learn how to manage and analyse valuable interactions to maximize the loyalty and satisfaction of those who use your services or products.

Postgraduate Final Project
Postgraduate Final Project

Conclude your specialized training with a comprehensive project that demonstrates your skills and the knowledge you have acquired. Develop and present research or a practical application that reflects the synthesis of your learning in information management.

Note on the Curriculum
The information contained in these pages is for information purposes only and may be subject to change in the adaptation of each academic year. The definitive guide will be available to students in the virtual space before the start of each subject.
Titulació que s'obté

Once you have passed the program, you will receive the following electronic degree certification (eTítulo©): Expert diploma in Data Management, awarded by Pompeu Fabra University. The eTítulo© will be issued in Catalan, Spanish and English.

The electronic degree certification (eTítulo©) is an authentic digital degree, issued in pdf format and electronically signed, with the same legal validity as if it were in paper format.

Qui pot aplicar

The candidatures of graduates with the recognition of an official university will be valued, including holders of degrees and diplomas, engineers, and architects.

Candidates who do not meet the required university qualification may apply and will be considered according to their academic and professional merits, as well as the relevance of their current work.

Having previous knowledge of mathematics, statistics and programming is recommended.


Our selection methodology involves a thorough analysis of each application, with the aim of guaranteeing the excellence of the group and ensuring quality in terms of training, experience and skills of all students.


The Online Postgraduate Course in Data Management provides you with the skills and talents to lead data analysis and apply it in various business contexts. Throughout the course you will gain a comprehensive view of data-driven processes and the use of data in solid decision-making, which will allow you to transfer new knowledge of analysis and management to your day-to-day tasks. You will also understand how information is handled within a company and what challenges industry professionals face.

Descripció llarga (part visible)

The Online Postgraduate Course in Data Management is a program that trains professionals to be capable of generating, capturing and analysing a wide variety of data, with the aim of proposing strategic decisions and managing multidisciplinary teams. At a time when the volume of available data is growing exponentially, the use of data analytics techniques makes it possible to manage and transform this information into a valuable resource, providing you with a deep understanding of the markets and an important competitive advantage.

Descripció llarga (mostrar més)

During this course you will learn how to resolve data management challenges and detect business opportunities. You will have at your disposal a faculty full of recognized professionals in data analytics and big data, whose experience and knowledge will provide you with a rigorous vision of the reality of the sector and the latest data analytics methods. Through theoretical classes and practical cases, you will learn to efficiently develop advanced techniques and to interpret the results with a specific purpose.

Throughout the curriculum of the Postgraduate Course in Data Management, you will design data visualization systems adapted to different ideas and projects. You will learn about the characteristics of the descriptive, exploratory, inferential and predictive typologies, and how each of them allows a unique and specialized processing of information. You will also be trained how to clearly communicate your conclusions based on demonstrable data, and you will learn how to present them to audiences with different levels of knowledge about the field of study.

Finally, the program on Data Management develops a personal view of social inequalities and current affairs. The promotion of reflection and commitment to human rights, justice, democracy and the environment seeks to create ethical and responsible professionals, as a starting point for the development of disruptive solutions that improve the well-being of individuals.

The Online Postgraduate Course in Data Management is endorsed by Pompeu Fabra University, the top Spanish university and the 15th best university in the world (less than 50 years old), according to the Times Higher Education ranking. In turn, the UPF Barcelona School of Management has EQUIS accreditation, the most prestigious institutional recognition for business schools globally.


This UPF-BSM program gives you solid knowledge about the field of data analysis, enhancing your problem-solving and decision-making skills. You will receive up-to-date tools in data management and learn how to apply them in a wide variety of fields, allowing you to gain a better understanding of the facts and find disruptive solutions.

Per què triar aquest programa
Access an expanding market

You will enter a sector in full growth and in high demand. Accelerated digitization and the evolution of new technologies have given data-driven processes and big data a crucial role in fields as diverse as digital marketing, business intelligence or scientific research, among others.

Lead a project from start to finish

Acquire the knowledge needed to manage your own end-to-end (e2e) data analytics projects, while gaining a global perspective on the industry and training your ability to generate innovative ideas. Bring together all the knowledge in the Postgraduate Final Project, helping you to become a highly trained and relevant professional in strategic decision-making.

Learn flexibly and innovatively

Assimilate the knowledge in the program without schedules using the online-remote methodology of the UPF-BSM. This fully digital model adapts to the personal conditions of each student, offering a flexibility that combines asynchronous work with live classes. You will also have individualized tutorials, which will help you keep pace and resolve any doubts you may have.

Train with data management specialists

Learn from teachers with experience in the professional environment of data analytics and big data, who bring a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives to your training. Acquire complex and advanced knowledge of data management, always supported by a rigorous approach applied to the current reality of the market.

Earn an international degree

Graduate with a degree of international prestige in data analytics, data management and strategic decision-making, which positions you as an outstanding candidate to enter any company or organization of your choice. Our qualifications are highly valued and recognized in different countries; the result of excellent training that will give you a competitive advantage in the labour market.

Graduate from an accredited institution

Get the benefits of an institution accredited by EQUIS, an international seal of quality. UPF-BSM is the first management education centre linked to a public university in Spain to have this recognition. Graduate from a prestigious centre, which will open the doors to work for the best companies in the sector and allow you to choose your professional destination.

Text (a qui va dirigit)

The Online Postgraduate Course in Data Management is aimed at university graduates in the field of social sciences and engineering, who want to expand their knowledge of data analysis and its effective application in the business environment. It is aimed at those who show an interest in data management, problem solving and the collection of information that supports strategic decision-making.

Text (acreditacions)

The EQUIS (EFMD Quality Improvement System) accreditation is a prestigious certification granted by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) in order to recognize quality in educational institutions and business centres. UPF Barcelona School of Management is the first management school linked to a public university with this accreditation in our country.

Perfil de l'estudiant

The colleagues you will find on this course come from intermediate and senior professional positions linked to Business Administration, Information Technology, Data Processing, Business Intelligence, Data Management, Engineering, Sales, Marketing and Design.

These are both national and international profiles, who want to expand their knowledge and orient themselves towards data analysis with a flexible program that gives them the opportunity to combine their personal, work and academic lives.


The program is led by Jorge Pereira, a leading expert in data management who has an extensive academic and professional career. His experience in the field of data analytics and big data is reflected in numerous publications and research projects, which shows his commitment to the sector and reflects the reality of the markets.

The unique combination of knowledge in our teaching team ensures comprehensive and rigorous training, while preparing students to understand the challenges of today's society and respond to them with the development of innovative solutions.

Carrussel metodologia
100% online training

Learn at your own pace thanks to the online and remote model, with permanent access to teaching material and training classes. Interact with the teacher and classmates during the sessions by videoconference, or look at the recording later so as not to miss anything. You also have tutorials to answer any questions.

Access interactive resources

Access up-to-date learning materials in a wide variety of formats, designed to provide you with the latest knowledge on data management and information technology. We provide you with videos, forums, case studies and downloadable resources to ensure a motivating and challenging experience.

Contact with experts

Get in touch with experts through webinars and seminars, where you will learn about industry experiences and real cases. You will acquire a valuable perspective on current practices in data analytics and data management, enriching your learning and preparing you to face the challenges of the world of work in the best state possible.

Tutored follow-up

We place the student at the centre of the process, giving them control over their learning and providing personalized guidance from our teachers and tutors. We offer ongoing monitoring and guidance at all stages of the program, from understanding subject content to pursuing job opportunities.

Extensive career opportunities

Train yourself to respond to the needs of big data, a growing market in full development. Gain the necessary skills and knowledge to enter any company or organization that is of interest to you. We will prepare you to assume a key role and provide relevant solutions for companies and society.


The evaluation system includes the monitoring of the student's activities through written tests and exams, presentations, individual and group work, participation in discussion forums and tutorials. It also includes the development of the Postgraduate Final Project and its defence before a panel, which acts to close and consolidate the knowledge acquired in data management and data analytics.

Llistat de sortides professionals
  • Chief Data Officer (CDO)
  • Big Data Consultant
  • Data Analyst Consultant
  • Business Inteligence Manager
  • General or functional management positions
  • Digital marketing, health, sports or finance managers
Procés d'admissió

The Online Postgraduate Course in Data Management offers an entirely digital and online model, where the student has the flexibility to organize the study process based on their personal needs. Access 24/7 to the UPF-BSM virtual environment makes consultation of the materials at any time and place easy, while encouraging contact between peers and teachers.

The program is structured into two large blocks of knowledge, which provide the necessary skills for entering the data management market. The sequence of subjects has been specially designed for the effective acquisition of skills, the ultimate goal being the development of a professional project in an area of interest linked to big data.

The methodology offers a unique combination of traditional, active and autonomous methods. The student will learn with master classes and seminars given by experts in the sector, participate in case analyses and debates, and carry out both individual and group work.

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Descripció curta

With the Online Postgraduate Course in Data Management, a program for international students, you will acquire the necessary skills to analyse and understand various data collection methods, as well as to make objective decisions during project planning. You will learn to explain your ideas from the point of view of Data Management and to solve complex situations using innovative solutions.

Carrussel segells acreditacions
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Collaborating faculty
  • Ariadna Casasús Bernacho
    Global Executive Master in Digital Business. Master's Degree in Innovation and Digital Transformation. Associate professor at various universities.
  • Carlos Ribera
    Partner at SDG Group. Telecommunications Engineer from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
  • Xavier Gumara
    Engineering Manager at ADEVINTA. Computer Science Engineering and Master's Degree in Computer Science Management at URL. Certified in CSPO and CSM by Scrum Alliance.
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Online Postgraduate Course in Data Management

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Curso de Postgrado en Data Management