On April 23, the virtual bookshelf was launched with the UPF-BSM literary production of the last five years: from literary creation to translation and publishing in multiple disciplines. We encourage you to consult it and to continue sending us your projects so that we can include them.

The Culture Program of the UPF Barcelona School of Management launched on April 23 the virtual bookshelf, an online platform that includes all the literary production written and translated in the last five years by the UPF-BSM community: from faculty to alumni, students or management staff.
The School is the basis for multiple projects related to the world of books in different disciplines: communication, finance, literature, management... You can find all of them in the virtual bookshelf, which will be updated regularly with new productions.
This is a project under construction with open participation to all members of the community. If you want to include your publications, you can send them to us.