Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies

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Máster en Técnicas de Reproducción Asistida Humana.

The 60 ECTS-credit program is made up of four core modules organized in nine subject areas, all of them mandatory. It will start with a Framework of Clinical Reference, followed by modules on Human Reproduction, Laboratory Techniques, and Laboratory Sessions. There is also a final project, where the student will address a technique or method that catches their interest.

Framework of Clinical Reference
Ethics, Business, Law and the Scientific Method

This Subject covers the main 3 parameters that must guide the daily practice of the ART professional: science, ethics, and law. The practice of evidence-based medicine (EBM) requires knowledge of the scientific method and development of critical thought, as well as an understanding of the basic tenets of study design and statistics for medical research.

In addition, as technical breakthroughs occur at an ever-increasing pace, the rapidly advancing field of ART poses ethical dilemmas on a regular basis, and a deep knowledge of and scrupulous adherence to national and international laws and regulations is absolutely required.

Moreover, business acumen, process optimization, and quality management are vital for ART professionals. Understanding the economic aspects of healthcare, implementing efficient processes, and maintaining stringent quality standards ensure the sustainability and accessibility of ART services. Integrating business principles with scientific expertise, ethical considerations, and quality processes allows ART professionals to deliver high-quality, cost-effective treatments while maintaining the highest standards of professional conduct.

Patient Centred Care

The emotional burden of treatment is the main cause of treatment discontinuation and non-adherence even in countries where ART treatments are economically feasible and culturally accepted. Nevertheless, ART programs do not train professionals to understand the patient’s challenges and experiences with infertility, resulting in high treatment drop-out, and ultimately a lower proportion of patients that overcome their infertility.

This subject will provide the students with a solid appreciation of the psychological aspects of the infertile experience, both from a male and female point of view, as well as the need to make patients the focus of the treatment process. This subject is designed to help understand the role of the ART professional in solving this problem through increased communication with patients, colleagues, regulators, and the media.

In an increasingly communicated world, this implies developing skills related to the use of novel media platforms to communicate with patients (social media/telemedicine).

Human Reproduction
Anatomy and Physiology

This Subject will cover normal anatomy and physiology of the male and female reproductive organs at both the macro and microscopic levels along with the stages of the reproductive life cycle. As well as, development, endocrinology, gametogenesis, menstrual cycle, fertilization, implantation, early embryonic development, and pregnancy.

Human Reproductive Pathology

Students will acquire knowledge of the main pathologies that underlie fertility issues, learn how to clinically evaluate the infertile/sub-fertile individual in order to recognize tubal/uterine infertility, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, male and female reproductive pathologies, ovulation disorders, and implantation issues, among others. The developing field of oncofertility and how to preserve the reproductive potential of cancer patients will be explained and discussed.

Assisted Reproduction

Students will become familiarized with the current toolbox of technologies and methods in ART. Both clinical and embryological approaches will be considered. This will provide them with a holistic view of reproductive medicine and allow an improved interaction between both areas of treatment, in the interest of patient satisfaction and the clinical results.

The main topics are induction of ovulation, oocyte pickup, gamete donation, ICSI, in vitro embryo culture and evaluation, embryo transfer, luteal phase support, and cryobiology. Importantly, students will be introduced to cutting edge technologies such as time-lapse microscopy, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

Students will participate in the UPF-Eugin Càtedra Symposium on ART, offering students essential exposure to advanced research, different perspectives and networking opportunities in the field of assisted reproductive technology.

Diagnostics and Laboratory Techniques

Basic concepts of genetics in relation to all aspects of human reproduction (preconceptional, prenatal and embryonic stage), with emphasis on inherited disease, chromosomal segregation and the genetics of male and female infertility will be reviewed.

This subject will cover classical and expanded preconceptional screening and analyse implications for couples wanting to conceive. Students will learn techniques and approaches to embryo testing (PGT-A, PGT-M, PGT-ST) as well as concepts related to genetic counselling. The lack of an EBM perspective made PGT a particularly controversial issue in the ART field. Since genetics and preconceptional testing lend themselves particularly well to EBM assessment, case studies will be used to illustrate concepts.

Basic and Experimental Techniques

Cutting edge genetic technologies will be presented and studied, including genetic manipulation and genome editing techniques, mitochondrial manipulation, uterine transplant, and stem cell-related approaches to infertility.

Laboratory Sessions
Wet Lab (gamete and embryo handling)

Students will practice the basic procedures executed in the ART laboratory from the very begining of the program, through wet laboratory sessions, that will include oocyte manipulation, denudation, maturity evaluation, embryo culture in vitro and its evaluation, sperm thawing, and swim-up/gradient selection.

Simulation of Clinical Procedures

This subject consists of sessions dedicated to train the students in basic clinical techniques such as ultrasound-guided oocyte pick-up and embryo transfer, by using state-of-the-art dummy based digital simulation systems.

Master's Final Project
Master's Final Project

Through the Final Master Project students will have the opportunity to develop and enhance their skills in interpreting, contextualizing, and disseminating data or medical/laboratory information within the field of human ART. The project is designed to integrate academic learning with practical application, enabling students to engage deeply with current topics and practices in the field. Students will have a designated tutor who will be one of the clinic's professionals.

Curricular Professional Internships
Professional Internships

Students will be able to undergo mandatory international guided internships at Assisted Reproduction Research Centres or Clinics in the European Union (Spain, Italy, Denmark, Portugal, Belgium and Sweden) or outside of the EU (Argentina and Brazil). These internships will be 375 hours long, meaning between two and four months. Depending on the assigned clinic of, students will be able to focus on clinical reproduction, clinical embryology and / or genetics. For each practicum, the student will be under the supervision of a local tutor.

Note on the Curriculum
The information contained in these pages is for information purposes only and may be subject to change in the adaptation of each academic year. The definitive guide will be available to students in the virtual space before the start of each subject.
Titulació que s'obté

Once you have passed the program, you will receive the following electronic degree certification (eTítulo©): Lifelong learning master's degree in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies, awarded by the Pompeu Fabra University. The eTítulo© will be issued in Catalan, Spanish and English.

The electronic degree certification (eTítulo© ) is an authentic digital degree, issued in pdf format and electronically signed, with the same legal validity as if it were in paper format.

Activitats formatives complementaries

The Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies also includes the possibility of participating in practical activities and activities for personal and professional growth such as:

  • UPF-BSM Inside: is a group of interdisciplinary subjects (applied data, communication, creativity, innovation and project management, sustainability and leadership among others) that, if you take this program, you can access at no additional cost. They are 100% online and you can take them throughout the academic year at your own pace, as they have been designed as self-study subjects.
Qui pot aplicar

The Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies is aimed at graduates in medicine, biomedical sciences, biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, veterinary, pharmacy, and related fields.

Candidates must present an official English Certificate as evidenced by an English language advanced certification or evident from the candidate CV and personal interview with the Admissions Committee.

Previous advanced degrees (Master, PhD) or relevant professional experience are considered a plus.


Our admission process consists of a rigorous evaluation of each application to preserve the quality of the group as well as the training, experience, and work capacity of all students.


Approximately 50 million couples experience infertility worldwide. This is due to social and professional changes, including higher numbers of working women, delayed parenthood, migration from rural areas to cities, obesity and rising male infertility.

The market for in vitro fertilization is expected to exceed 36 billion dollars by 2026. A wave of innovation is currently exerting pressure on the industry, which predicts a lack of adequately trained professionals during the next few years.

We foresee that our graduates will have ample opportunities in the ART industry, covering positions in clinical practice, the embryology lab, and basic research.

Descripció llarga (part visible)

The Master in Human Assisted Reproduction is designed to meet the growing need for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) professionals, providing the students with skills as doctors and embryologists, and empowering practitioners to operate highly sophisticated ART programs, offering complex treatment to infertile patients.

Descripció llarga (mostrar més)

This course focuses on the transition from a training philosophy centred on technical execution (good hands) to one focused on critical thinking, evidence-based implementation, and innovation adoption (good thinking).

Through the program, students will work on their qualitative and quantitative analytical skills inside the evidence-based medicine (EBM) field as well as improve both individual and team-based approaches to reproductive research and clinical care.

Thanks to the collaboration with the Eugin Group the Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies will provide students with the opportunity to gain real international experience. Lessons will be imparted by world-class international practitioners and key opinion leaders in the ART field. Moreover, taking advantage of the highly international structure of the Eugin Group with a presence in both Europe and the Americas, practical internships can take place in ART clinics in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Argentina or Brazil.

The Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies is endorsed by Pompeu Fabra University, the 3rd Spanish university and the 15th best university in the world (of those with less than 50 years), according to the Times Higher Education ranking. In addition, UPF Barcelona School of Management has EQUIS accreditation, the most prestigious institutional recognition for business schools globally.


From March to July, you will do an internship in Clinics of the Eugin group, located in several countries (Spain, Portugal, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium Argentina and Brazil), focusing on embryology, genetics and/or clinical research.

This internship provides a hands-on approach that will help you with your career prospects.

Per què triar aquest programa
Study at an accredited school

Study at a school accredited by EQUIS, an international distinction that guarantees the quality of our institution and makes us the 1st school of management linked to a public university with this accreditation in our country.

Evidence-Based Medicine

The curriculum includes a number of fundamentally important topics that are typically ignored in other programs, such as patient-centred care and attention, psychology and psychopathology of infertility, fertility awareness and knowledge, artificial intelligence in ART, and patient communication through new media.

Critical mindset

You will learn to think critically. In a field rapidly evolving towards automation, miniaturization, and information assisted technologies, as an ART professional you will need to rely as much on technical skills as on the development of critical thinking.

International vision

Lessons will be imparted by world-class international practitioners and key opinion leaders in the ART field, and you will also be part of an international class with students from all over the world.

International Internships

The program has mandatory internships that will take place in ART clinics in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Argentina and Brazil.

Text (a qui va dirigit)

The Master is addressed to recent graduates or active professionals in the field of assisted reproduction technologies (ART). The program seeks to train students formally as clinicians or embryologists to work in ART clinics. Students will be able to meet the wave of innovation in the field of ART and become a highly specialized reproductive professional.

Perfil de l'estudiant

All students come from a great variety of scientific fields, however, the three main common backgrounds are: Medicine and Surgery, Biology, and Biotechnology. The class is a good mix from different countries, as the master has a very international outlook: participants from Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America share experiences and common interests.


Lessons will be imparted by world-class international practitioners and key opinion leaders in the ART field. The Teaching Faculty is formed by Professors of the UPF Barcelona School of Management, scientists, physicians, and embryologists from Clínica Eugin and invited Professors from other institutions, all of them with renowned expertise.

Carrussel metodologia
Practical sessions

The program includes a unique laboratory module in which you will acquire hands-on experience in embryology laboratory techniques, covering a range of fundamental procedures regarding sperm, oocytes, and embryos.

State-of-the-art learning tools

In order to provide strong practical skills, you will be trained in basic clinical procedures such as ovum pickup and embryo transfers using state-of-the-art simulator systems.

Continuous monitoring

All the activities will be returned with feedback by teachers, so the assessment is based on an evolving learning.


Evaluation will result from continuous monitoring of the students’ progress using a range of assessment techniques.

The assessment criteria encompass the execution of activities, active participation during lectures and case discussions, attendance and performance in both the Wet Lab Module and Simulator Module, and subject exams administered in a multiple-choice format. The quality of the Final Project, including both the written work and defense, will also be evaluated. Additionally, the students' performance during their internship will be assessed by their mentor. Furthermore, students are required to attend a symposium, with their performance evaluated based on a project related to the symposium.

On-going evaluation will ensure a balanced distribution of effort and a gradual acquisition of knowledge by the student. The grading of subjects will be on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest mark.

Llistat de sortides professionals
  • Embryologist in reproductive clinics
  • Embryology Scientist in ART service companies
  • Research Scientist in research centres, hospitals, or universities
  • Reproduction Clinician in reproductive clinics or hospitals
  • Patient Counsellors in reproductive care
Procés d'admissió

The course will combine theory and practice in a participative and interactive manner. The methodology may vary from subject to subject, depending on the lecturer and the contents.

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Descripció curta

The Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies is designed for an international audience to provide the resources and skills to meet the challenges posed by the rapid changes currently occurring in the field of assisted reproduction, whilst mixing theoretical and practical sessions.

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Collaborating faculty
  • Francesc Calafell Majó
  • Mina Popovic
    Dr Mina Popovic is a clinical embryologist with a strong background in genetics. She is currently the Scientific Director of the Eugin Group in Barcelona, Spain, the Co-Director of the Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies, UPF – Barcelona School of Management, Business School of Management, and the Coordinator of ESHRE’s Special Interest Group Stem Cells. Dr. Popovic completed her undergraduate studies in genetics and Masters in molecular biology at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. She received her PhD from Ghent University in Belgium, investigating the impact of chromosomal instability on early human development. Prior to her doctoral studies, she worked as a senior clinical embryologist and regional program laboratory manager at Genea (previously Sydney IVF) in Australia. Throughout her career she gained extensive experience in embryo genetics, preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), modelling early human development and human stem cell biology.
  • Jose Buratini
    DVM degree at Sao Paulo State University and PhD on Animal Reproduction at the University of Sao Paulo in collaboration with the University of Montreal. Associate Professor and coordinator of the "Molecular Ovarian Physiology Laboratory" at the Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Institute of Biosciences, Sao Paulo State University, since 2001. Initially engaged in basic studies on the regulation of folliculogenesis and luteal function using the bovine model. Since 2012, the control of cumulus cell metabolism and oocyte developmental competence has become his main research focus. Scientific Coordinator of the Eugin Fertility Centres in Italy since November of 2018, where he has worked on studies covering different aspects of human ART including oocyte and sperm competence, controlled ovarian stimulation and embryo morphokinetics. President of the Brazilian Society for Embryo Technology (SBTE) during 2016-2017.
  • Clara Fernández Estela
    Clara Fernandez Estela is the Education & Training Manager at Eugin Group. She holds a Law degree and a Master in Strategic Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Clara has extensive experience in managing courses and creating educational initiatives. Her diverse background includes roles in sales, team coordination, account management, HR consulting, and career coaching. At Eugin Group, Clara oversees the coordination of the Master program with UPF-BSM, develops tailored learning initiatives, and leads the creation and promotion of the group's academic brand.
  • Dani Mataró
    Dr. Daniel Mataró obtained his Internship and Residency in Gynecology and Obstetrics in 1999 and his PhD in 2006 with a thesis on Impact of HIV infection on IVF results.  He is currently the medical director of Eugin Barcelona and Center for Infertility and Human Reproduction (CIRH) both centers of Eugin Group. He has published articles and participates in educational activity.  He has been member of the Spanish Fertility Society board between 2018 and 2022 and currently he is member of the board of the Catalan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
  • Carolina Llorente
    Coordinator of the Center of Studies of Science, Communication and Society of the UPF (CCS-UPF).  Master's Degree in Information and Knowledge Society, research itinerary, from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Associate lecturer at Pompeu Fabra University.  She has also been an associate professor at the Barcelona University responsible for teaching the scientific communication section in the subject "Expert communication in professional fields" (degree in Communication and Cultural Industries). She has worked 3 years as a communication and dissemination technique at the Bioengineering Institute of Catalonia (IBEC).
  • Gema Revuelta
    Director of the Centre for Science, Communication and Society Studies at Pompeu Fabra University. Director of the Informe Quiral: Medicina, Comunicación y Sociedad. [Quiral Report: Medicine, Communication and Society].  PhD in Medicine. Adjunct lecturer at the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences of Pompeu Fabra University.
  • Marc Torra Massana
    Dr Marc Torra is a clinical embryologist and researcher at Eugin Barcelona. He collaborates as a professor in the Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies (Pompeu Fabra University) and Master in Human Reproduction (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). Dr Torra earned his BSc in Biology at the University of Barcelona, and completed his Master's Degree in Cytogenetics and Reproductive Biology at Autonomous University of Barcelona. He received his PhD in Medicine and Translational Research from University of Barcelona, Spain, investigating the molecular alterations behind male-related fertilization failure. Throughout his career he gained experience in clinical embryology and sperm physiology, and his current research is focused on understanding the clinical factors affecting laboratory and reproductive outcomes after ICSI.
  • Aïda Pujol Masana
    Dr. Aïda Pujol Masana obtained her PhD in Cellular Biology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona with a thesis on preimplantation cytogenetic analysis, analyzing both numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities. She also holds a MS in Reproductive Biology and Assisted Reproduction Techniques and is an ESHRE certified Senior Embryologist. Dr. Pujol was a member of the embryology team at Clínica Eugin from 2001 to 2016, where she was in charge of coordinating the PGT program. She has been the director of CIRH laboratories for 7 years, a clinic performing several hundred ART treatments yearly and she is currently in charge of quality control and laboratory best practices for Eugin Spain and Portugal. Dr. Pujol participates in research and educational activity; her research interests involve preimplantation diagnosis and screening, and the application of controlled laboratory practices to improve ART outcomes.
  • Mariabeatrice Dal Canto
    Dr Mariabeatrice Dal Canto is a senior clinical embryologist and Laboratory Director with twenty-five years of hands-on laboratory experience on IVF techniques, with outstanding credentials and proven record of results. Leading and directing 6 IVF Centres, with more than 4000 IVF cycles per year, she ensures continuous development and standard best practice within the embryology teams. She has implemented the Quality Management System keeping under control the efficacy of the laboratory outcomes. Involved in creation and development of research projects, both in animal and human field, in collaboration with diverse Universities and private groups. Current research interests include in vitro maturation of human oocytes as well as oocyte and ovarian tissue cryopreservation. Managed the start-up of a number of IVF laboratories as well as the renovation of pre-existing units.
  • Andreu Quintana
    Andreu Quintana-Vehí earned his BSc in Biotechnology at the University of Girona in 2013. He completed his master's degree in Cytogenetics and Reproductive Biology at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 2014. Since then, he has been a clinical embryologist in Clinica Eugin Barcelona combining laboratory tasks with R&D projects. Currently, he is pursuing his Ph.D. at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in the Department of Cell Biology.
  • Núria Correa Mañas
    Principal researcher of the data team in the R&D department (Eugin Group) since 2019. Industrial PhD in Computational Sciences at the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC) and at the Autonomous University of Barcelona Degree in Biology from the UAB and senior embryologist certified by ESHRE with 10 years of experience in an IVF laboratory. Her primary interest is the effective use of data science to improve the patient experience and outcomes of assisted reproduction.
  • Karinna Lattes Altamirano
    Dr. Karinna Lattes is a gynecologist specializing in reproductive endocrinology, infertility and assisted reproduction. Currently, she works full-time as a senior specialist and scientific coordinator at the Center for Infertility and Human Reproduction (CIRH) in Barcelona, Spain, and is also an Associate Editor for the scientific journal Human Reproduction. Dr. Lattes completed her undergraduate studies in Medicine, her OB/GYN residency, and a master’s degree in Cell Physiology in Santiago, Chile. She also completed a master's degree in human reproductive medicine and received her PhD from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, investigating the impact of freeze-all protocols on reproductive and obstetric outcomes.
  • Svend Lindenberg
    Professor Emeritus Dr. Med. Svend Lindenberg. Svend Lindenberg has been a pioneering figure in reproductive biology since 1980, playing a key role in Denmark's first IVF conception. He has led the reproductive biology lab at the University of Copenhagen, now Copenhagen Fertility Center, since 1981. Professional Background: Embryology Training (1980-1996): Under Dr. D. Whittingham, Dr. L. Hamberger, and Dr. A. Trounson.; Clinical Lecturer in OB/GYN (1994-2007): Educated future medical professionals; Professor, Copenhagen University (1999-2007): Contributed significantly to academia; Chairman, Research Council (2006-2007): Led research initiatives at the Medical Faculty; Founder and Head, Copenhagen Fertility Center: Leads Scandinavia's largest fertility clinic; Board Member: International Society for In Vitro Fertilisation (ISFIVF) and International Society for Mild Approaches in Artificial Reproduction (ISMAAR). Contributions: Publications and Patents: Authored over 130 papers and holds 8 patents. Citations: 5179 citations, h-index 41, i10-index 78. International Speaker: Delivered 300+ invited presentations.
  • Frederikke Lindenberg
    Dr. Frederikke Lindenberg serves as the Research and Quality Director at the Copenhagen Fertility Center. She has a PhD in microbiota and immunology and her research focuses on the intersection of fertility, lifestyle diseases, and inflammation. In recent years the clinic has focused on the effect of GLP-1 analogs in enhancing fertility in obese patients and she is currently working with the University of Copenhagen on projects related to microbiota, obesity, and fertility.
  • Montserrat Barragán
    Dr Montserrat Barragán is a chemist with a strong background in biochemistry, genetics, and molecular and cellular biology. She is currently a Senior Scientist of the Eugin Group in Barcelona, Spain. Dr. Barragán completed her undergraduate studies in chemistry at the University of Barcelona, Spain. She received her PhD from University of Barcelona in Spain, investigating the signal transduction mechanisms acting on the pathological survival of human leukemic B-cells (B-CLL). After 10 years of post-doctoral research at UPF and CMRB where she worked as a senior Technician Specialist on Stem cell and disease-derived iPS cells, she joined Clinica Eugin at EUGIN Group. Throughout her career she gained extensive experience in molecular and cellular biology, applied to hematological cancer, stem cell and iPS biology, and biological determinants of human gamete quality.
  • Irene Miguel-Escalada
    Dr Irene Miguel-Escalada is a molecular geneticist currently working as the Scientific Coordinator of Clinica EUGIN in Barcelona, Spain. Dr Miguel-Escalada completed her undergraduate studies in Genetics and a Masters in Reproductive Biology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. She received a PhD in Molecular and Medical Genetics from the University of Birmingham in the UK, focusing on regulatory genomics in zebrafish embryos. She did post-doctoral studies at the biomedical research centre IDIBAPS (Barcelona), Imperial College London (UK) and Center for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, where she extensively researched the molecular mechanisms underlying monogenic and complex human disorders, utilizing multi-omics datasets and genetic-engineering tools. She has published extensively in high-impact scientific journals, including Nature, Nature Genetics and Developmental Cell, accumulating more than 4,000 citations. She has received prestigious awards during her career including a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship, a Rising Star Award by EASD for her innovative work. Her current research interests revolve around the interplay between regulatory genomics and genetics of rare infertility traits and embryo development.
  • Juan José Guillén Quílez
    Dr. Juan José Guillén is a clinical gynecologist with a strong background in gamete donation and reproductive genetics. He is currently the Medical Coordinator of the gamete donation program and the reproductive genetics unit in Barcelona, Spain, and the Coordinator of the SEF Special Interest Group on gamete and embryo donation.
  • Gemma Lopez Granollers  
    Gemma López is a biologist with a strong background in genetics and assisted reproduction. She has developed her professional career as a biologist in the Andrology and In Vitro Fertilization Laboratory at CIRH (Eugin Group) since 2005. In 2023, she joined the Reproductive Genetics Unit of Eugin Group and is currently an active member of ASEBIR's Interest Groups in Genetics and Andrology, serving as the secretary of the latter group. Gemma completed her undergraduate studies in biology at the Universitat de Barcelona in Barcelona, Spain. She holds a Master's degree in Laboratory Procedures of Assisted Reproduction from the University of Valencia and advanced degrees in Medical Genetics and Genetic counseling. Gemma has also served as a lecturer in the master's in Human Reproductive Medicine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and in the master's in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies at Pompeu Fabra University, Business School of Management. She is the author of several publications in national and international journals and has participated as a speaker at international conferences.
  • Monica Mandas
    Monica Mandas is a nurse with over 10 years of experience in the field of assisted reproduction. She is currently the supervisor of the nursing team at NatuVitro Clinic, the Coordinator of the Research and Education group of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF), and a member of the SEF Scientific Committee. Monica completed a postgraduate Master’s in Research in Clinical Medicine at Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche and is a former Secretary of the Research Ethics Committee of Eugin Clinic. She has given presentations at various national and international conferences, including ESHRE and SEF congresses, collaborated on several courses and guides in assisted reproduction, and led several projects focused on reproductive health education and patient well-being during treatments.
  • Arianda Bellés
    Ariadna Bellés is an assisted human reproduction geneticist. She works both at the molecular level, focusing on the diagnosis and interpretation of genetic results, and directly with patients. She is currently the geneticist for various clinics within the Eugin Group. Ariadna completed her undergraduate degree in genetics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She holds a Master's degree in Clinical Genetics from Universidad Cardenal Herrera and a Master's degree in Clinical Laboratory Analysis from Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Additionally, she has obtained expert certifications in diagnostic techniques, hereditary cancer and cardiovascular, endocrine, neurological, sensory, nephro-urological and pediatric diseases. 
  • Meritxell Reina
    Meritxell Reina is a dedicated communications professional with extensive experience in the field. She holds a degree in Audiovisual Communications & Advertising and Public Relations, and has specialized in digital communication and Creative Communication strategies through advanced studies.
    She is currently the Communications Manager for the brands CIRH, FecunMed, and Eudona (the donation program of the Eugin Clinic). Additionally, she serves as the Social Media Strategist for the Eugin Group. Her role also encompasses art direction and audiovisual/visual content management for Eugin Spain, trying to bring creativity and strategic insight to enhance the group's communication efforts.
  • Adrià Espinosa
    Adrià Espinosa is a seasoned marketer with over 10 years of experience. He graduated in 2012 with a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from Universitat Pompeu Fabra and enhanced his expertise by completing a master's degree in Digital Communication and Marketing Strategies. With a robust background in online marketing and digital communication, he currently serves as the Marketing and Communication Manager for the Eugin Group's clinics in Spain and Portugal.
  • Lara Andreoli
    Lara Andreoli is a PhD candidate in Bioethics at KU Leuven University, Belgium, where she investigates the ethical and social issues related to the clinical use of Polygenic Risk Scores. After completing her undergraduate and master’s studies in Philosophy (University of Milano), she specialized in normative ethics at Utrecht University (Netherlands), where she obtained her second master’s in Applied Ethics. Prior to her doctoral studies, she conducted ethics research in several Dutch institutions (Transitie Proefdiervrij Innovatie, Animal Welfare Body Utrecht) and taught philosophy and applied ethics to undergraduates both in Italy and in the Netherlands (Eindhoven University of Technology). Currently, she is involved as a lecturer in the course Human Genetics, Ethics and Policy at KU Leuven. Her scientific interests revolve around the ethical and societal impact of medical technology and innovations.
  • Aline Lorenzon
    Dr. Aline Lorenzon obtained her bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the Institute of Biosciences at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, in 2007. In 2008, she trained in embryology at Huntington Medicina Reprodutiva. She earned her Ph.D. in 2014 from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo, Brazil, with a dissertation titled “The Possible Role of a New Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Marker in Human Placenta.” Her doctoral studies included a sandwich period at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), USA, from 2010 to 2011. Dr. Lorenzon continued her research on ER stress and pregnancy as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of São Paulo from 2014 to 2017, including a sandwich period at the University of Cambridge, UK, in 2017. In 2018, she joined Huntington Medicina Reprodutiva in Brazil as Scientific Coordinator. Her primary research focuses on the embryo-endometrium interaction, the establishment of pregnancy, and placenta formation.
  • Denny Sakkas
    Denny Sakkas PhD has been involved in the field of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) since the early 1980s, having gained his Ph. D. under the supervision of Prof. Alan Trounson at Monash University. During this period, he was responsible for disseminating a number of innovations to laboratories around the world, which are used in routine IVF today. He has subsequently headed his own Research Laboratories and been the Scientific/Laboratory Director of IVF units throughout Europe and the USA. Dr. Sakkas has extensive experience in embryology, clinical IVF and reproductive research publishing more than 230 papers in the field of fertilization, early embryo development and male infertility. His papers have been cited over 22,000 times and his H-Index is >77 placing him in the highest group in the field of IVF. Dr. Sakkas has been extensively funded in his research career and continues to work on innovations in the area of human and animal reproduction. He now currently serves as Chief Scientific Officer at Boston IVF and for IVIRMA North America and as an Associate Professor at the Yale University School of Medicine.
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Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies

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