UPF-BSM Chairs

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UPF-BSM Chairs
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ACCID Chair of Transparency and Control

The ACCID Chair aims to analyse and study best practices in financial information and control of organizations in order to transfer them to society in the form of high-value-added knowledge.

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AGBAR Chair of International Studies in Institutional Communication for Sustainable Development and Growth

The Chair supports research and study of the 2030 Agenda and its promotion and communication from institutions with the aim of achieving sustainable growth and development.

hoja verde con gota de agua sobre ella
Almirall Chair for the Management of Innovations in Pharmaceutical Policies in the National Health System

The Chair aims to generate knowledge about the policy and management of pharmaceutical innovations in the National Health Service, and transfer that knowledge to different stakeholders.

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GSK Chair, NORTH (New Territorial and Economic Opportunities and Challenges) in Healthcare Management

The GSK Chair in Health Economy at UPF-BSM aims to generate systematic knowledge on health economics and transfer it to the stakeholders involved in decision-making.

 empresario hablando con una profesional de la salud
International Chair in Sustainable Finance

The International Chair in Sustainable Finance aspires to be a leader in opinions for guiding the financial sector towards an evolution in finance in which human dignity and the conservation of the planet are at the centre of economic activity.

mano sosteniendo una planta
Chair of Citizen Mediation: restorative social practices to promote coexistence

The Chair of Citizen Mediation aspires to develop systematized knowledge about restorative social practices in order to strengthen ties between citizens locally while maintaining an intersectional view.

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Mercadona Chair of Circular Economy

The Mercadona Chair of Circular Economy seeks to become a generator of knowledge of reference in order to better understand the role of the agri-food industry and the distribution sector in the face of the challenge of transitioning to the circular economy.

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Novo-Nordisk Chair in Pharmacoeconomics and Health

The Novo-Nordisk Chair in Pharmacoeconomics and Health aims to generate systematic knowledge about pharmacoeconomics and health, as well as transfer it to the different stakeholders involved in decision-making.

reunión de farmacéuticos y empresa
Vallformosa Foundation Chair of Strategic Territorial Transformation for Community Welfare

The Chair aims to define a new model of relationships between people, companies and territory that is more just, equitable, inclusive and sustainable.

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Chair in Dignified and Sustainable Housing

The Chair aims to be a space for reflection aimed at analysing housing policies from a social and environmental perspective, without losing sight of their financial and economic scope.

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Chair of Future Scenarios for Retail

The Chair of Future Scenarios for Retail was created as a space for strategic reflection on the challenges that retail presents in the medium and long term.

Coming soon in English, consult the information in Catalan:

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Contact us if you need more information or if you want to be updated about work and latest news of our Chairs.

Contact the Knowledge Transfer department:

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Our chairs create applied research projects, focused on solving community and market needs and disseminating the knowledge acquired.

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Apareix com a resultat cercador: Investigació