The Sustainability Observatory, led by Oriol Montanyà, receives the Barcelona Sustainable Tourism Award in the economic field for having built an educational bridge between scientific knowledge and social needs.

The Sustainability Observatory of UPF Barcelona School of Management has won the prize Barcelona Sustainable Tourism in the economic category, awarded by the Consortium Turisme de Barcelona , for having" established an educational bridge between scientific knowledge and social needs " .
Turisme de Barcelona emphasized that the Sustainability Observatory has "established an educational bridge between scientific knowledge and social needs"
"We are a small project that was born just over a year ago," said the director of the Sustainability Observatory, Oriol Montanyà , who received the award. his thanks to companies and institutions "for their support and confidence in us during this first year of life".
The contribution of rationality in the public debate, the promotion of applied research in sustainability and the social impact generated by the Observatory, have been some of the aspects capital that has motivated the recognition of the Observatory. "We have worked to make sustainability the backbone between academia and business," said Erola Palau Pinyana, a researcher and academic coordinator.
Collaboration with institutions such as TMB or with prestigious companies such as Nestlé, Naturgy Foundation and Casa Ametller has been one of the strengths of the UPF-BSM candidacy
In this sense, one of the elements that has helped to convince Turisme de Barcelona has been the collaboration with public institutions such as TMB , whose analize the economic and social impact , and with prestigious companies such as Nestlé , the Naturgy Foundation or Casa Ametller , with whom s 'have carried out studies and research projects that looked at 3D printing as an element of improvement in industrial processes, or that promoted an urban distribution of goods and more sustainable supply chains.
UPF-BSM, awarded with Maritime Museum, Casa Batlló and Llopart"We must value companies that are committed to sustainability," said Marian Muro , Barcelona's director of tourism, who said the awards were a "stimulus to pave the way."
The fifth edition of the Barcelona Sustainable Toursim Awards, held as part of the 10th edition of the "Business with Social Value" conference, has awarded up to five awards in the categories of social sustainability, accessibility and cultural heritage , nature and traditions, economic and environmental.
The Maritime Museum, the Studio Concert - Pedralbes Gardens Festival, Casa Batlló and Llopart have also been awarded
Thus, with the aim of promoting good practices in the tourism sector and recognizing the effort and dedication of companies that are committed to sustainability, Turisme de Barcelona has presented the award to organizations such as the Maritime Museum , Concert Studio - Festival Jardins de Pedralbes , Casa Batlló or Llopart .
"Sometimes copying is good," admitted Maria José Pujol , president of Barcelona Sustainable Tourism, referring to the good example set by the award-winning entities and companies. "Practices like yours should be rewarded to serve as a model for others," he said