Law, Politics and Public Management

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Whether your professional future is in public administration or private enterprise, our masters in law, politics and public management will open doors to new professional challenges.

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Law, tax consultancy, professional mediation, public and social policies, public administration and government in Latin America, labour law, economic criminal law... The different masters at the UPF Barcelona School of Management are 100% specialized programs designed to give you direct access to the employment market. They will allow you to acquire specialized knowledge and skills, such as new legislation, data protection and family mediation, and to do internships in companies, institutions or in some of the most important law firms in Spain.  

Our masters in law, politics and public management are recognised as some of the most reputable in Spain, and they guarantee you an education with international prestige.  

Masters in Law, Politics and Public Management
Masters in Law, Politics and Public Management
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Law, Politics and Public Management